Donate Today

Helping us serve the most at-risk members of our community

Your donation helps us help those who need it most!

Support Mental Health Advocacy

LSH Mental Health Services is a registered 501c3 non-profit organization.  Your donations help us help even more individuals get access to the resources and services they need to live a full and active life.

We are working to reduce the number of mentally ill individuals living on the streets and in shelters.  By supporting LSH Mental Health Services, you are positively impacting the homelessness rate in the communities where we live and work.

Help us help more individuals get the care they deserve!

Monetary Gifts

We accept monetary donations of various amounts to help us offset the cost of providing our life-changing services. To make a monetary gift, please mail your donation to us at the following address:

LSH Mental Health Services, 7010 Vine Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45216

In-Kind Donations

Your tangible goods are greatly appreciated.  We accept a wide of variety of goods to help support our efforts including, but not limited to, real estate, vehicles (in good working order), clothing, food, etc. To learn more about the types of items we accept, please contact us directly.

Get Involved

Volunteering your time is always greatly appreciated.  Our volunteers help make it possible for us to do even more good.  If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please contact us to learn more about volunteer opportunities.